Training for Brian

Suicide and mental health is at crisis point. Currently if you are a person who is not a first responder or veteran but diagnosed with a psychiatric disability there isn't a charity that provides service dogs. If you do happen to be a first responder, waitlists are so long that they are closed. This is where Partners with Paws comes in. We are a registered charity who provides psychiatric service dogs to people with a mental health diagnosis. 

Donations to this project will go towards the training of a new dog, Brian. Once Brian is trained, he will know how to provide comforting deep pressure, which has been scientifically proven to help ground people when they are experiencing episodes. Behaviour interruption is a life saving task where Brian can note that his person might be scratching to the point of causing bleeding or worse, intervene in a suicide attempt. Brian will rebuild his person's life by making them independent. 100% of your donation will be going to Brian's training, food and vet bills.